
August 5th, 2017

A reflection of my annoyance at the vague descriptions and meaningless buzzwords that litter the landscape of popular music writing, this essay gives the reader a detailed if heavy-handed overview of my musical preferences so that they don't have to waste their time reading a bunch of articles to see if our tastes are in line.

Top 17 Albums of 2017

December 12th, 2017

A year end writeup of my favorite albums from 2017.

Bathory - Twilight of the Gods

December 1st, 2017

An exhaustive analysis of Bathory's 1991 masterpiece.


August 5th, 2017

A comprehensive overview of the differences and similarities between Them and Patti Smith's versions of the song "Gloria".

Arcade Fire - "Everything Now"

August 5th, 2017

A review of Arcade Fire's 2017 album "Everything Now".

Joy Division - Transmission

July 1st, 2013

An analysis of Joy Division's 1979 song "Transmission".

Music Criticism

As a teenager, back when I was first getting into rock and metal music, I had an insatiable appetite for any writing that really delved into the nitty gritty of how to make music in those genres. While there were a ton of salacious "rock autobiographies" in the early 2000s, there was next to no writing that seriously engaged in the question of what these artists were doing, how I could emulate them, or even anything at all that looked deeper than the surface level tales of excess and debauchery. When I first started writing music criticism, the goal I set for myself was to produce the kind of writing that the nerdy, 14 year old metalhead inside me really wanted. The good news is that, with many of these entries, I think I was able to achieve that. The bad news is that, unlike back in 2002, there is a shitload of content out there that fulfills exactly this niche. YouTube channels like Adam Neely, 12tone, and Produce Like a Pro put out tight, well-researched videos that give fans all the theory and production details they could ever want. So if you happen to be in the market for a novella-length treatment of Bathory's Twilight of the Gods, then welcome. If you're looking for something with a saner word count, maybe check out some of the links for my reviews. If you happen to be Goldilocks stumbling onto this page while searching for a better route through the forest, then that Joy Division writeup is a decent midway point between the two extremes.

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