Why You Should Hire Me

My freelance writing is built upon a diverse body of life experience. I've studied Madhyamaka philosophy under a Tibetan Gelugpa Rinpoche and played bass in a doom metal band. I've performed stand-up comedy and picked up a rough understanding of Sanskrit. I know of both the agonies of hoplite warfare and the bliss of the eternal Dao. I've struggled with mental health and succeeded at cutting my weight in half. My heart has led me down a thousand divergent paths, and because of that I have arrived at this moment with a wealth of expertise to draw upon.

While I may be something of a jack of all trades, there has been one constant that has been with me throughout my life's journey: writing. My expertise in other subjects can be self taught (the guitar and bass), from books (Greek history and Jungian psychology), private instruction (the piano and fitness), or from brief periods of intensive study (Tibetan Buddhism and western philosophy), but writing has always been with me. It was the discipline that I chose to pursue with my higher education, and with good reason. It is the substrate that nourishes all of my other loves, the wellspring of my manifold experience, and the great love of my existence. I would be honored to turn the fruits of that affair into the most engaging, informative content that your freelancing dollar can buy.

Sample: "Whatever Happened to Rocksmith?"

In this piece, I take a look at Rocksmith: a 2011 video game that let players use their actual music instruments to play along with a Guitar Hero inspired rock soundtrack.

Highlight Reel

Arcade Fire - "Everything Now"

A review of Arcade Fire's 2017 album "Everything Now"

What is Gnosticism?

A guided overview that I wrote about the Gnostics, a mystical order active in the 2nd-4th centuries C.E.

Top 17 Albums of 2017

A series of brief reviews I did for my favorite albums of 2017

Joy Division - Transmission

A piece that breaks down the classic Joy Division song "Transmission"

J.R.R. Tolkien and the Concept of Applicability

An analysis of some of the literary theory behind Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" series

Work with Pat

Your project is important. Engaging with your audience matters. Don't entrust your hard work to someone without training or expertise. By hiring me, you gain access to a university educated freelance specialist with a proven ability to generate high quality content. I would love to put that experience to work making your project the best that it can possibly be.

Contact Me


Pat Jenkinson received his degree in English Literature from La Salle University in 2019 with a focus on creative writing. He is the author of the "Under the Burning Tower" fantasy series, a vast literary universe spanning short and novel-length fiction, constructed languages, a detailed bestiary, and a sprawling collection of maps and lore. In addition to writing, he performs guitar, bass, keyboards, and vocals in his metal band Harmozel, and has done both studio and concert recordings for a number of national acts.

Get in Touch

Learn more about the services I offer and discover how I can take your business or project to the next level:

Contact Pat




I have knowledge of this topic, and feel comfortable writing about it at an introductory level, though I may not be able to treat the subject in detail.



I have strong knowledge of the subject in question, but it is not as broad-ranging as the areas rated high or above. I feel confident in the core material, but I might be less knowledgable about certain specialized aspects of it.



I have a detailed knowledge of the subject, and can write at length about most aspects of it.

Very High


I am capable of writing on any aspect of this topic.


Writing and Literature


Religion and Philosophy

Fitness and Metal Health


© 2022 Pat Jenkinson